Monday, August 6, 2018

Summers Off

"It must be nice to have your summers off and get paid for it." Hearing those words or any resemblance of them makes my blood boil. I'm not kidding; I can feel it happening. What I want to say cannot come out of my mouth in a way that is kind, so I am going to take time here to get it all out.

First, I don't get paid for not working. I am blessed to work in a district where they divide my salary into twelve equal paychecks. That means that during the school year and the summer, I am getting paid for the work I do from mid-August until the day school lets out. (I'd love to talk about teacher pay, but that is a post for another day!) Other teachers do not have the luxury of that happening and they get their pay only during the school year. That means they budget really well during the school year to build a summer savings, barely scrape by during the summer, or get a summer job to make it through the few months off. I've had to do that too and, believe me, it is not fun!

On to the part that really gets me upset--having summers off. During my eighteen year career, I have rarely had summers off. I've worked many summers either teaching summer school, teaching social skills to students on the Autism Spectrum, or in retail. Sure, there are still weeks where I don't "work" but I am not just sitting on a beach, soaking up sun, drinking margaritas, and reading romance novels. (Although I do wish I could do that!) No, I am working in my classroom, reading books to better my teaching, preparing materials for the upcoming year, meeting with colleagues to plan or to discuss a book we are reading together, or taking classes. I am also praying for the upcoming year and all of my students and their families. I have days where I do very little teacher things but I still have thoughts racing in my mind of what else I need to do.

This summer, for me, has been extremely busy but I wouldn't chance a thing, well except to see my husband more!

May 23: Last day for teachers
May 24-June 3: Vacation to Washington to see my sister and her two little ones with my mom and niece
June 17-29: Class on campus of University of Wyoming--I learned from other teachers as well as professors how to be a better teacher through discussions, observations, and readings. We discussed high leverage practices and went in depth on two of them. (I was really sick while there and even went to a doctor to see what was wrong. I had a breathing treatment because my oxygen was too low. Being that sick away from home was awful!)
July 5-8: Time in Philadelphia soaking up as much history as I could so I can use my experiences to enhance our social studies lessons. (I also totaled my car on the way to the airport when I hit two elk, so I was dealing with the physical effects from that accident. I will post about the wreck soon.)
July 8-13: Freedoms Foundation training on the War on Terror as well as a day spent being trained in a character development program; I also learned about the Medal of Honor and met a recipient of the Medal.
July 16-20: Worked in my classroom (We had our ceiling tiles all torn out and replaced so everything was in boxes and shoved into one area. I had to put my 2,500 book class library back together as well as complete normal class setup tasks.)
July 23: Helped lead a writing workshop in my district with fellow Wyoming Writing Project teachers
July 24-27: Wyoming Writing Project retreat--We traveled a few hours and spent time writing, reading, laughing, eating, and learning. We visited the Buffalo Bill Center of the West museum as well as Heart Mountain Interment Camp.
July 30-August 2: More classroom work as well as dealing with insurance over my totaled car
August 3-5: Family camping trip and a wedding
August 6-13: Classroom work and house cleaning
August 14: Teachers report
August 21: Students start!

I don't include this to brag or to say that all teachers do this. I just want people to see that teachers don't have the summer off. We work our tails off during the year and during the summer to improve our craft. We try to relax but our minds always wander back to our classrooms. That's what makes great teachers!

I love teaching. I also know I don't know all there is to know, even after 18 years in a variety of classrooms in four districts across the US and on a Naval Base. I have to learn all the time so I improve myself and can be more effective for the changing needs of my students. That's why I do what I do, for them!

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Behind again for no good reason #100DOSW18

Well, despite my good intentions, I am behind again. But, I’m getting back on the horse today. Here is my poem based on Wislawa Szymborska’s poem “Possibilities.” Enjoy!

On a side note, I am away from home until June 29th. I get to be part of the University of Wyoming's new program called WYCOLA which aims to help teachers become better coaches for new and early career teachers. I am quite nervous as I only know one person, but I will make it. My anxiety and my introvert tendencies will be put to the test over the next two weeks. I know I will be fine once we get going but right now, I am feeling a bit overwhelmed. This happens any time I do something new and I know how to get through it. However, I would appreciate your prayers and good thoughts as I start this new learning. Thank you!

Thursday, June 14, 2018

18 vs 43 for day 17 of #100DOSW18

Hi! I am barely making it today. I helped my mom unpack most of the day and then saw Book Club with some friends. Unpacking is not always fun but my mom and I enjoyed our time; we are sore though from lifting and moving boxes and tubs. The movie was quite funny and just what I needed.

Today, I spent time writing about how I have changed since I was 18. It went deeper than I anticipated and I may continue with some of the topics but I probably will keep those private.

Until tomorrow!

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Day 16 of #100DOSW18

Last night's post rambled so I hope that this one doesn't. I do want to quickly share my notebook with you though because it is so cute!
I adore polka dots so I had to have this one!

I bought this at a bookstore in Yakima, WA. It holds pens and sticks inside notebooks. HOW COOL!

From the slideshare made by the creator of #100DOSW18

Ideas to help get started with different prompts (love this!)

My cover page which I did before printing, cutting, and gluing everything in

I also had people ask why I was handwriting everything even though I was sharing online. Well, I tried doing some writing online last summer and I didn't love it as much as holding a pen and notebook and seeing my words flow. Plus, I have my students keep a notebook so I want to show my students how mine looks when I introduce writing notebooks in August.

Now for today's writing: 

It is based off of an excerpt from Long Way Down by Jason Reynolds which is a fabulous YA novel in verse. I inserted my name and rewrote it on page one and then added my reasons for why on page 2. I hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Summer Goal: #100DOSW18

WARNING: lots of pictures of my writing and not super focused blogpost but please bear with me as I share my struggles of writing.

I have said before that my writing habit is not the greatest. I did the month long Slice of Life challenge through in March and it went well. Then, April started and writing stopped. May came and went with end of year excitement and tears and stress and joy. The whole time I have been telling myself that I need to write every single day, but it wasn't happening. Imagine my surprise when a random Facebook post said that there would be a 100 Days of Summer Writing challenge and it starts after school gets out. I thanked God for the push I needed and signed up. Then, I looked up the person who puts it together and looked at her website and saw that it was a real thing. Whew! I also joined the Facebook group dedicated to this challenge. Then, I bought a notebook! I mean after all, I had to have a new notebook even though I have MULTIPLE writing notebooks that are not full. It's a new notebook for a new summer and just for the challenge! I knew that for the first several days I would be out of town, so I packed my notebook and new pens (a gift from my bestie!) and set off on my trip waiting for day 1.

The morning of May 29, I logged into Facebook and found the prompt and then sat there. I had several ideas and wasn't sure which would be the one I used. I decided to ponder it for the day while I enjoyed time with family. As everyone went to sleep that night, my idea popped into my head and I went with it. I read it to my twelve (almost thirteen) year old niece and she LOVED it! Score 1 point for me!

The next morning, I found the prompt and drew a blank. I thought about it all day and came up with something. It's not great but I did spend time thinking about how I use media and how I want to use it differently.

Day three was another prompt I wasn't exactly loving, but I spent time writing while at the pool watching my nephew swim.

Day 4 came and went without me writing at all. My excuse was that I was traveling, but in reality, I had lost my excitement. I did write the next day, however.

Then, I didn't write for day 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, or 10. Excuses this time included: more travel (true-14 hours in a car!), I wanted to spend time with my husband (true-I hadn't seen him for 10 days), I was tired, I didn't have any ideas (true because I hadn't looked at the prompts), I had to do laundry, etc. I also wasn't happy as to how my notebook was looking. I didn't have it set up with the prompts and I wasn't loving having to look it up every day. So, I printed them all out and glued them in my notebook which took three days because I got distracted by my dog and cat and husband and binge watching Madam Secretary. Yesterday, though, I took my notebook and pen to the pool and wrote! I finished an introduction that is scary (not my typical genre) and wrote to a missed prompt as well. And today I did the same thing! I am on a roll and I will keep it up! I am posting on here to keep myself accountable as well as linking it on Facebook and Twitter. Here is to a great summer of writing!

Here is my scary story:

Missed prompts:


That's a lot for today. As I think about how I've done, I am not happy that I skipped so many days, but I will finish this. I also don't love most of what I wrote, but most writers don't love everything they compose. I do love my first writing (the letter to Santa) and the scary writing. In fact, I am thinking about finishing that story. Not today, but someday soon-ish.

More tomorrow!

Thursday, May 17, 2018

The Important Thing

Today, I read The Important Book to my class. We have 4 days left and I needed their help. On Monday, I meet my new students whom I will have for two years. I want my new students to get to know me, so I challenged my current kids to use this book as a mentor text and write a piece about me. I thought they would be funny and light hearted. Some of them are but several made me cry. The first one I read was by “the kid” whom everyone warned me about. He’s the bad one! He doesn’t respond to anyone. Well, his writing made me bawl. I had to step out of the room to get myself under control. Tonight, I decided to write one for them. I’ll going to print it with a class picture to give each of them next week. I want to share it here too. (If you are a parent of one of my kids, please don’t share this with them.) Tomorrow I will post pictures of their writings.

The important thing about my kids is that they inspire me.
They fight learning but do it anyway.
They tease in good nature.
They make me laugh and smile and cry every day.
They are readers and writers and mathematicians and historians and scientists and thinkers.
They care about each other, even though sometimes they may not show it.
They argue and forgive.
They push the limits.
They work hard.
They ask questions and expect answers.
They don’t give up.
They are open and honest despite their circumstances.
They support each other and fight for what’s right.
They challenge me and make me a better teacher.
They love.
They laugh.
They accept and trust.
They hug.
They cry.
They are real.
But the important thing about my kids is that they inspire me.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

I sat. #SOL

Today, I sat. I sat for three hours. Teachers aren’t supposed to sit, but yet I did.

I sat and watched my students struggle through our first day of state testing.

I sat and watched them rub their eyes because of facing a computer screen for three hours.

I sat and watched them put their heads down for a couple of minutes to give themselves a
break because we can’t let them take one. I mean, sixth graders will totally tell each other
the answers.

I sat and watched my students do chair push ups and squeeze their arms and hands so
they would stay focused.

I sat and watched my student who doesn’t get enough to eat try to stay awake and
focused on his test.

I sat and watched my students cry because they couldn’t figure out the answers.

I sat and watched.

I sat.

I sat and prayed.

I sat and prayed for the people who make my students and all students around our
country sit through these tests instead of learning.

I prayed for my students to know that they are more than a test score.

I sat and prayed that they know how proud I am of them each and every day.

I sat and prayed that they give their best effort no matter how tired they are.

I sat and prayed for my student to find someone next year who will help him get the
food and care he needs.

I sat and prayed for my students’ families because I don’t know everything that goes
on in their lives.

I sat and prayed for me to be the best teacher I can be for my students for our last
twenty-one days together.

I sat and prayed for my students and me to be kind and respectful to each other.

I sat and prayed.

I sat.

I sat and smiled.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Decisions #SOL

I have missed SOL for the last bit. I missed last Tuesday because of internet issues at the beach, but I am back at it today.

I have always been awful at making decisions. I am so bad that I usually flip a coin to decide where to eat if we go out and I am forced to decide. I am so bad that I usually have a pile of 3-4 outfits on the bed and dresser every morning because I don't know what I want to wear. I am so bad that going shopping takes hours just to find a white blouse. I remember once around Easter when I was maybe 12 and my mom took me to the store to buy something with my babysitting money. I was so excited! My mom proceeded to get our groceries and left me to make my decision. She checked on me several times and I still hadn't decided which stuffed bear I wanted. I just couldn't choose between the blue one and the pink one because I didn't want to leave the other one all alone. I ended up closing my eyes and picking a hand of my mom's in which she was touching one of the bears; I got the blue one and was happy to take it home with me but I cried that I couldn't take the other one.

Why do I bring this up today? Well, I have to make a couple of decisions this week. Both are professionally related and impact not only me, but also my co-workers and my husband. One decision came to me yesterday regarding Wyoming Writing Project and a future endeavor with our directors and me in my school district. This one decision was a super easy and ecstatic YES! The other decision is much more difficult. A job has opened up that I would love to take and actually had discussed applying for in two or three years when I thought it would open. However, due to staff changes, it is open now. I would love to apply and accept it because it is something I enjoy, but I don't know if it is time to step out of the classroom yet. I don't know if I can leave students and parents whom I know I will be working with next fall. I don't know if I can leave my teammate. I don't know if I have the stamina for this other position even though I dipped my toes in the job a bit this year. Before spring break, I was all ready to say yes and apply. When I got home, I didn't want to leave the classroom. Yesterday, I wanted to apply. This morning, a student begged me to stay in the classroom so he could come see me next year after he starts in junior high. This afternoon, I felt like I was ready to apply again. I just am on the fence. The job closes next Tuesday, so I will be spending the next several days praying and making lists to weigh out the pros and cons of each choice. Tonight, though, I am going to do yoga and drink some wine.

Monday, April 9, 2018

Why don't we use it?

Today as I was washing dishes, I was transported back in time to when I was a little girl eating Easter dinner at my grandmother's with my family. I got to set the table with the fancy dishes from the China hutch. I was so excited! I got the key from the top of the hutch and carefully opened it carefully. Then I gently pulled out the glasses to set the table. We only used those glasses for special events. For the rest of the year, I would sit in front of the hutch and dream of having it my own home when I was a grown up. As I washed the dishes tonight, I couldn't stop thinking about why those dishes were only for special events.

When my grandmother died, I got the hutch and part of the glassware that was in it. I also got China from my great aunt. I didn't even remember those dishes but they sure are pretty. When I moved back to Wyoming, I carefully arranged all of them in the hutch on the doilies my grandmother had used. I polished the silver and made sure it was organized too. Then, it sat. Just like it had when my grandmother and her sister were alive. Until one day when I made dinner for my new boyfriend. I pulled out platters and plates, glasses and serving bowls. I used them and then carefully washed them before placing them oh so gently back in the China hutch. I did that several times. Then, my boyfriend asked why we were using them only for fancy dinners and using Walmart dishes the rest of the time. I didn't have a good answer, so we started using them every day.

As I washed dishes, I began to think about that. Whey do we use the good things in life only for fancy or special events? Why do we use the nicer things when we want to impress other people? I don't have answers for either question.

I no longer want to hold off using the best for just anyone. I want to use the best for every day. I don't want to worry about impressing others; I want to impress myself. I want to see the beauty around me and use it to make other people smile just because. I don't want to hide my pretty dress in a closet because it's too fancy for work; I want to wear it to look good! I want to show others, especially my students, that it is okay to enjoy life by not hiding away what is most special.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Beach Break #SOL

We arrived yesterday. 14 people in all. It was cloudy and cold and so windy. We still put  our feet in the water but then we ran back to the car to warm up. Okay, let’s be honest...I didn’t run, I never run, I didn’t even walk fast, but I tried to.  We ate, we drank, we laughed, we played games. It was fabulous.

This morning I was up for the sunrise. My husband got up with me, as did one of his sisters. We made coffee and hoped for the best as it was cloudy. At first, it was nothing. Just a reddish shadow behind the clouds. But once it stretched above them, it was gorgeous! (We used our “fancy” camera so I can’t share any with you yet, but I will when we get home!)

I just got in from some relaxing beach time. I almost got knocked over when an unexpectedly giant wave crashed onto the shore. I managed to stay upright and got wet just to my knees. I spent time reading and soaking up the sun while friends back home are stuck in 11 degree weather and digging out driveways from another snowstorm. I am now rubbing aloe on my face, legs, arms, and chest.   This is just what I’ve needed!

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Final #SOL18 Post March 31

Technically, it is April 1st but I wrote this in my head last night. I had no internet yesterday as we traveled. We barely had time in airports for me to blog and then I chose to drive once we landed. I feel bad this did not get posted yesterday but it is what it is.

Yesterday day was a long day. Up at 2:15 AM and to the airport. Security took longer than I expected for DIA at 3:45 AM. No coffee shops open made the morning even longer. Two flights. Three airports. Then to a rental car place where there was an even longer line for two kind ladies behind the counter. To the car and then finally some food and caffeine. Four hour drive and then tears flowed.

Happy tears streamed down my face as I slammed the car into park and threw open my door to jump out to hug my best friend. I couldn’t let her go. This amazing woman and her husband helped me through the most difficult time in my life. I lived with them for two months as I worked through utter despair. I truly love them and will forever be indebted to them for saving me.

Friday, March 30, 2018

Let my break begin! #SOL18 March 30

Today was a great day. My students behaved. My mom came in and had lunch with me after she met my students. I walked out with my students, drive the entire one block home, and waited ten minutes for my husband to get home. We loaded the trunk with four suitcases, three backpacks, and a c-pap. Our moms climbed in as did my husband and me pulling my backpack in behind me. I slept for an hour and then listened to a book. Mom and I tried to play old maid but it’s hard with two people. We stopped to eat and are now in our room six and a half hours after beginning our trek. Not the room I thought I reserved but I don’t feel like arguing. We have to be up in less than six hours. Long day today and even longer tomorrow. But it’s okay. No it’s fantastic! Let my Spring Break begin!

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Best Day Ever #SOL March 29

Today was long. You know how it is-almost spring break and no one wants to be in school. Behaviors escalate. Tempers aren’t controlled. Friends become enemies in class just for breathing the same air. I went to a colleague and whispered, “This is the longest day EVER, until tomorrow.”

She smiled at me and I just knew she was about to agree with me because tomorrow is an early release for all of us. We get out at 1:30 and our spring break begins! Then, I noticed her smile wasn’t one of agreement or compassion; no, it was one of sadness. I know she didn’t mean it that way but it stopped me in my tracks. She opened her mouth and reminded me of a speaker we had seen at the Colorado Reading Conference two years ago. She stated, “Today is the best day ever, until tomorrow.” We heard this from Dr. Adolf Brown and it made an impact in 2016. Today, the impact was even bigger. I needed to get my attitude changed so my students’ attitudes would change. That way, we could end our week with the best day ever, until Saturday!

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

I don't like... March 28 #SOL18

Today, I was inspired by Michelle Haseltine at One Grateful Teacher to do a different kind of post for me. A list of things I don't like.

I don't like being cold. 
I don't like lies.
I don't like drama.
I don't like brussel sprouts.
I don't like putting away laundry.
I don't like teaching science.
I don't like negativity.
I don't like feeling like a failure.
I don't like when my students suffer.
I don't like when I can't help others.
I don't like crowds.
I don't like that my desk is always messy.
I don't like driving on slushy and icy roads.
I don't like hearing "I can't" and "I don't get it" before they try.
I don't like my panic attacks.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Peer Coaching Fail and Hopeful Redemption #SOL18 March 27

At a conference this past September, I attended a session on peer coaching which was really good. A colleague was with me and she started doing some right away. I was in awe of her and wanted to do it too but no opportunities presented themselves. After Christmas, I still hadn’t started but my friend was still doing it, just with a different teacher. I was jealous and wanted to but couldn’t didn’t find someone to talk with about peer coaching. On a road trip to the Colorado Reading Conference, my friend and the teacher she was peer coaching discussed it at length. Man was I green with envy and blue because I hadn’t found someone to learn from and with. I wanted to experience what my friends were experiencing. Then, they gave me an idea! Another teacher in our loop might be interested.  I had to talk with her!

When we returned, I spoke with her and was interested. I went to her room and observed her class several times. We debriefed what I noticed and she visited my room.  And then, nothing. I didn’t make the time because I was “too busy.” I failed her. I failed her students and mine. I failed myself. I didn’t even realize it until today when I was applying for a program at the University of Wyoming for coaching of preservice and early career teachers. I truly believe that we need to support each other and especially those teachers who are new to our profession. And yet, I didn’t do that for my friend and colleague. I feel awful. Tomorrow, I am going to apologize and get back on track. I hope she will accept my apology. I’m also going to pray I get into the program at UWyo so I can learn how to better help other educators. After all, I am a teacher and not just a teacher for the students in my grade book.

Monday, March 26, 2018

Snow Day! #SOL18 March 26

Since last Thursday the weather forecast for my town has been that a winter storm was going to hit Sunday night. They were predicting five to eight inches of snow. Knowing that we haven't had an accurate snow forecast in a LONG time, I tried not to get my hopes up. I really wanted a snow day, but I didn't plan on it.

Yesterday morning, it was snowing as we drove to mass but when we left there was nothing. All day it was chilly but no indication of any snow. Even when I went to bed, there was barely any snow falling.

At 5:00 this morning, my alarm went off. I turned my ringer on in hopes of the call saying we would have no school. It didn't ring. At 5:30, I crawled out of bed and into the shower. At 5:40, the phone rang to announce we didn't have school! I jumped from the shower yelling to my husband. Poor guy, he had to work. I did not! I sipped my coffee. I put on shoes and a coat and headed outside. I tramped through the snow with my camera. I took pictures and smiled in the silence surrounding me. I made cinnamon vanilla pancakes. I watched The Blind Spot. My phone rang again. My husband was being sent home. We cleaned. We did dishes. We worked on laundry. We opened our date box from UnboxLove and created a crossword of our favorite vacations. We enjoyed our time off together.

Today was just what I needed. Time alone. Time with my love. Time.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Anticipation #SOL18 March 25

Since February of last year, my husband and I have been waiting for this coming weekend. We have a beach house rented in the Outer Banks of North Carolina for his siblings, their spouses, one of his cousins and her husband, and both of our moms. For the last month, I have been counting down the days. This week, I will be counting down the hours until we leave for the airport and then the hours until we see two very good friends of mine. I will also be counting the hours until we are at the beach house. The anticipation has given me hope through the cold, snowy winter. Now, as I look at the weather reports, though, I am not as pumped. It is supposed to rain and be dreary most of the time we are there. My eagerness to get to the beach is not as high as it once was. Don't get me wrong; I am still excited to go and be on the East Coast but I doubt I will spend much time reading in the sand.

At mass this morning, we celebrated Palm Sunday. This is Holy Week, a time to reflect and prepare for Easter. As we gathered to receive the palm branches in our parish hall, everyone was smiling and talking. I imagined that was how Jerusalem was over 2,000 years ago. Everyone was excited to be in town for Passover. Then, they saw Jesus entering on a donkey and they went crazy! I envision happy tears, maybe some cheering, and joy-filled people everywhere. They were anticipating great things. Yet, as the week progressed, that exuberance dramatically changed. On Thursday, Jesus washed his disciples' feet and held the Last Supper. Later that night, he prayed so hard that he cried tears of blood and then was arrested. On Friday, it seemed as though everyone had turned on Him. I can't even begin to imagine how Jesus was feeling. He knew it was coming. He knew his friends would leave him. The anticipation of what was coming was, well, overwhelming. He was beaten and humiliated. Yet, He stayed strong and followed God's will. After he died, he was placed in a tomb and his followers were devastated. They didn't know what was coming. Today, we anticipate Easter and are excited to celebrate Jesus rising from the dead. 

Anticipation ebbs and flows. This week, my anticipation will grow as the minutes tick by. I cannot wait to spend time with friends and family! I also cannot wait to celebrate Easter. 

Saturday, March 24, 2018

And the blind shall see #SOL18 March 24

Last month, my husband and I went out of town for a night to attend a marriage enrichment with our Marriage Encounter team and our Bishop. The day we left was our World War 2 day where my teaching partners and I transformed our rooms and we dressed up. I was Rosie the Riveter and didn’t have time to change; I barely had time to pack. It wasn’t until the next morning that I realized I had left my make up at home. No biggie! I was amongst friends so I went fresh face for the day.

Last weekend, I went to see my mom. I had plenty of time to pack even though I overslept because Mom did too. I had an extra hour and watched NCIS I wasn’t worried as I grabbed my bag to drive an hour and a half to see Mom and spend the day hanging out with her laughing and shopping. As we got ready for bed, I realized I had forgotten my medicine and therefore did not sleep very well. No biggie! I drove home and then took a two and a half hour nap.

This weekend, my husband and I went to a meeting three hours away. I had packed early in the morning and double checked that I had my make up and my medication. Check and double check! Last night, we arrived at the home where we stayed and I opened my suitcase to get ready for bed. Unfortunately, my bag of bathroom items was not there. No soap. No lotion. No toothbrush. No glasses. No contacts. I can handle not having most of that but not having contacts or glasses is a big deal. My eye sight is bad, really bad. I’ve worn glasses since second grade and until four years ago, they got worse every year. My contact prescription is -8 and -8.5. I have to have help to see! The contacts I wear are dailies so I can’t wear them two days in a row. I had to do something so I slept in them hoping I’d be okay and they would work the next day too. This morning my eyes weren’t horrible but they didn’t feel good. I found some solution and rinsed them once we got to the meeting but tore my left one. I sat through breakfast and our meeting with one contact. I tried to pretend to be a pirate so I could see a little. I also sat with my eyes closed a lot. After lunch, I took out the other contact and made my husband drive home. I kept my eyes closed the entire way and even managed a couple of small naps! As soon as we got home, I ran in and found my bag with my glasses and put them on. The blind could see!

My husband told me I better make sure to have what I need for our trip next week to the Outer Banks! He wants me comfortable and able to see and enjoy spring break!

Friday, March 23, 2018

Spring Break Haiku #SOL18 March 23

Spring break jealousy
Facebook friends are sleeping in
Lucky ducks they are

Tweets all full of joy
For teachers celebrating
Naps, lunch, and more naps

Still have one more week
Trying hard just to make it
Spring break jealousy

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Writing Marathon #SOL18 March 22

Wind whistles through trees
Dogs barking down the hill
Voices chatter by the wall
Children writing all around

Laughter floats
Trucks rumble
Hair rises
Children write

Sun shining through white clouds
Water flows from melting islands
Nasty smells nearby swirl
Children writing all around

Tires squeak
Keys rattle
Rocks tumble

Children write

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Proud Teacher (#SOL18 March 21)

Some days as a teacher I get so frustrated and can't see the forest for the trees. Today, however, was not one of those days. Today was one of those, "HOLY CRAP! MY KIDS ARE EVEN MORE AMAZING THAN I EVER DREAMED!"

Let me set the scene: one of my students was diagnosed with a genetic disease that is already impacting her life. She is an amazing young lady from a strong family. I've known her and her family for eight years when I taught her oldest brother. This disease is not one I would wish upon anyone and I am sad and scared for her. I prayed long and hard that the diagnosis would be different, but for whatever reason, it wasn't. I have had several months to work through my thoughts, feelings, fears, etc. but my students have not. We had a class meeting when she was first diagnosed, but it didn't seem to stick.

Today, our school counselor came into our class and spoke with my students about what is happening with their classmate. Our counselor and my student had worked on this presentation for several weeks and my student was present for it. She helped explain things that will happen to her and let her friends know that she is still a kid and still the same person. I was so proud of her! Students asked questions and she and our counselor answered them. It was so powerful! Then, a student asked if our student council could do something in May to help raise awareness for her disease as well as to raise money to help find a cure. My teacher heart was full!

Later in the afternoon, one of the teachers in charge of our student council was in the hall. I grabbed my two student council reps and had them talk with her about what they wanted to do. Not only did they suggest having our annual Glo-Run support their classmate's disease and raise awareness, but they also asked about taking a field trip to plant flowers in a community area to show support for her and others fighting this disease. They also want to include our classmate and her mom when they plan the flowers. My teacher heart exploded!

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Next Career #SOL18 March 20

Happy first day of Spring! My favorite season has arrived and I cannot wait for green grass and flowers and rain. The soothing sounds of birds in the trees makes me smile.

Today, I was also reminded that it seems as though some jobs don't have the same mandates teaching does. Teachers have to get their students to learn and pass tests. We are held accountable if that doesn't happen. Some teachers even get bonuses for high test scores while some can be fired for low ones. Not all jobs have that stress though. Meteorologists, in my opinion, do not. Why do I say that? Well, recess duty today explains it all!

Last night and this morning, I checked and double checked the weather report. I had to know what to wear, if I needed boots/shoes/sandals, which coat to wear, and if I had to find my gloves/hat/scarf. According the my weather app, it would be chilly but there was ZERO PERCENT chance of precipitation. I decided on pants with shoes; I also packed my gloves and put on my winter coat. I triple checked after I got dressed. Still no chance of precipitation. I smiled and then looked outside. SNOW! On the ground! I went to start my car so it would be warm on my drive to school-a whole block away! Before going to recess duty at 8:25, I checked the weather app and it said it was mostly cloudy and 30 degrees. I grabbed my gloves just in case along with my sunglasses and went to duty. IT WAS SNOWING! Like full on, pouring down snow. I pulled my hood up and shoved my hands into my gloves as I went into the white wasteland of our playground. Students were as shocked as me! Especially as we looked up and saw bright blue sky! There were dark clouds north and east of us; the snow was falling at an angle from the north and west. We decided a wind was carrying it from the northern clouds. I checked my app again only to read that it was mostly cloudy and still a ZERO PERCENT chance of snow. In about ten minutes, the snow ended and we just enjoyed the white covered icy blacktop for a couple more minutes before starting our day of learning.

Maybe I should teach more about the weather. Or just become a meteorologist for my next career! Less stress, even if you are completely wrong in your forecast!

There is snow falling in this picture but my camera didn't catch the flakes.

Fun making pictures in the snow. Can you see the person students stamped out in the bottom one?

Monday, March 19, 2018

Boxed Meals #SOL18 March 19

I love to eat. I mean, I REALLY love to eat. I am also quite picky. I don't like my foods to touch. Except for certain foods that can touch: meat and potatoes can but no other veggies can touch the meat, Chinese food can touch, gravy can't touch anything besides meat and potatoes. I even have divided plates so I can keep food from touching! I will prop up parts of my plate so sauces don't go where they are not supposed to be. I also have texture issues. I can eat mushrooms; I prefer them cooked. But, I cannot stand tomatoes; I even pick out chunks from spaghetti sauce, chili, and salsa. I also don't eat raw onions. I have come a long way in the last nine years. I will try new foods and have let some foods touch even if they aren't supposed to even come close to touching.

Why do I tell you this? Well, tonight I made dinner and only ate part of it because of the weird flavor and texture of one of the ingredients: chayote squash.

Why did I even make something with that ingredient? Well, my husband and I subscribe to Home Chef which is a meal prep service. We get three to four meals for two people every Wednesday. We love it because of the variety of choices and the high quality of ingredients. We select our meals in advance and then are surprised when we get them because we forget what we chose a month ago.

Tonight, I made chili-lime salmon with roasted chayote squash. The salmon was amazing! Salty and cooked to perfection with a lime-garlic sauce. So good! However, the squash was just weird. No flavor except for a kind of a dirt taste. I followed the directions and baked it after tossing the slices of squash with onion, salt, pepper, and olive oil. When it came out thirty-five minutes later, I added the cilantro and cotija cheese to it. It looked so pretty! (I should have taken pictures!) But, taking the first bite of the veggies made me want to spit it out. I tried again after finishing the salmon and adding some of the lime-garlic sauce to the squash and several onion slices. Nope. Nothing helped. I just ate the onions and cheese sprinkles. Luckily, that and the salmon filled me. For now.

Will I keep using Home Chef? Heck ya! It's so nice to not have to go to the grocery store except for breakfast and lunch items. Plus, everything is included except for salt, pepper, olive oil, and water. Even the spices are measured out! I've tried lots of new dishes and we have even remade some meals. And, honestly, it's so much easier than trying to get a meal ready at the end of the day. Just grab the meat/seafood/chicken/pork/turkey and the bag with all of the other ingredients. Read and follow the instructions on the card. Voila! Dinner is ready! Even me, the picky eater, enjoys 97% of the meals and wish there were leftovers!

Sunday, March 18, 2018

6 Word #SOL18 March 18

Today's post is just 6 words based on my day yesterday.

Background: My mom lives an hour and a half from me but we don't spend time together like we should during the school year. Also, over my spring break, my husband and his 5 siblings along with the six spouses, a cousin and her husband, his mom, and my mom are going to Nags Head, NC to spend time together in a fancy beach house. As I watch the snow fall today, I cannot wait to go--even if it's cold there; at least there won't be snow!

Also, this picture was taken before my purple hair.

Mom and me
Spring break shopping

Friday, March 16, 2018

Haircuts=Relaxation #SOL18 March 17

Yesterday's post was deep so today I am going lighter.

I had a hair appointment after school on Friday. I absolutely LOVE getting my hair done. My stylist is a friend so we chat and it takes longer than most appointments. But it is so worth it!

I never leave the chair the same. Some days, we cut off several inches. Other days, we go blond or back to dark brown or red. My eyebrows always look better when I leave!

Having someone else brush and comb my hair is great, but my favorite part is having my hair washed. It relaxes me so much that sometimes I feel like I have dozed off. It's a mini-massage!

Today's trip to the salon was no different except that I needed this more than ever. I was so looking forward to my scalp massage after a long week. My stylist did not disappoint! I came away relaxed and ready for the weekend. I also came away with purple hair! Not all over, just enough.

Best Part of Teaching #SOL18 March 16

Many people have asked me, "What is the best part of teaching?" For the longest time, I gave the answer, "Seeing the lightbulb go off when students figure something out." That moment is really great. I mean, after working hard for several days, watching a student realize that they understand a tough concept like area of irregular polygons or hearing them fluently read a book that a month ago was challenging or read a poem they wrote is pretty exciting. I also smile and feel my heart beat when I see students stand up to bullies or sit next to someone who is frequently alone. Those moments are huge and I love watching them. But, teaching to me is so much more. It always has been but after over seventeen years in various classrooms of various grade levels and abilities, I finally can put into words my true favorite part of teaching. It's actually just one word: Relationships.

Today, that really hit me. My co-worker and I organized a guest speaker, Sam Mihara, to come to our corner of Wyoming and speak at several different venues to teach about life at Heart Mountain Internment Camp during WW2. While we were at the high school where two of his speeches were held, I saw several former students. One is now a senior, so I asked if he would be graduating in May. He smiled and said he would. I told him I better be invited. He replied, "Oh, you will be! I will hand deliver that invitation to you at your school. You have to be there, Miss Schwartz!" I smiled as he walked away, and a feeling of peace and gratitude washed over me. I've known that young man for over six years--before I was married--and he still remembers me. I also taught one of his younger sisters. That family touched my heart.

I also saw three other former students and they all grinned and said hi to me. A student I didn't have but did teach her brother gave me a big hug. Why would high school freshmen greet and hug a former elementary teacher with such enthusiasm? Because we had a relationship. They are imprinted on my heart and I hope I am on theirs.

Last week, I was blessed to watch another former student sign to play college soccer. He, his mom, and his dad were happy to see me. I cried when he signed, but it was a proud teacher cry. When his mom asked for a picture with him and another of his elementary teachers, how could I say no?

On the way in to that same event, another student I had over two years ago saw me and ran up for a huge hug.  I had taught her and her younger sister each for two years and since the little sister wasn't there, we took a selfie and sent it to her. (She wasn't very happy with her sister!) Their mom also hugged me. We talked and laughed. Why? Again, we built a relationship over four years and continue it to this day.

Is this a recent "thing" that started when all of our fifth and sixth grade classes started looping? No, not at all. I've built relationships with students and families for years. I attended the graduation of two former students whom I had taught for four years in a self-contained special education classroom. Several students from my first class ever are friends with me on Facebook and I am able to see how they are doing.

Why do I take the time to build relationships with my students and their families? It's easy! I love my students; they are my kids from the time they are in my classroom until, well, I don't know when they still stop being my kids. See, I believe that students are more than test scores. I believe students have lives outside of our classroom walls. I believe that students are people. I believe I need to know my students on a different level than just a student; I need to know what makes them who they are. I believe that parents, families, and teachers need to work together to help children grow and become the most successful versions of themselves as possible. When I taught in special education classrooms, I believed those students were more than their disability. They were smart and funny and taught me more than I ever taught them. They helped me through a very difficult time because of their compassion and kindness. Without the relationships of my students and their families, I would not be the teacher, the friend, the wife, the daughter, the aunt, the sister, the person I am today.

So, the next time someone asks me, "What is the best part of teaching?" I am going to smile wide and tell them, "Relationships."

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Let's Party #SOL18 March 15

On the first day of March, another Slicer (@Teachr4) posted a party invitation and today I am accepting her invitation! I just don't have any good ideas in my head tonight.

For her party, she invited everyone but there is a catch: You have to bring five items with you-favorite book, favorite person, favorite food/beverage, favorite song, and a surprise.

Favorite Book: Too many to choose from! My all-time favorite book from fourth grade until the summer of 2017 had been From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler. However, this summer, I read Swing Sideways by Nancy Turner Steveson and it is now my favorite. So touching and funny and just amazing!

Favorite Person: My husband! He makes me laugh and smile and has made me a better person. He is a great cook and is much more adventurous and fun than I am. He is also quite handsome!

Favorite Food/Beverage:  Popcorn and wine. The popcorn has to be what my mom makes because it is so good! She uses an old pressure cooker, melts Crisco, and then pops the popcorn. She also adds melted butter to the popcorn and some salt. It is delicious! The wine can be anything. I'm not that picky. Good wine is good wine!

Favorite Song: I don't know if I have a favorite song. One that always makes me smile and sing is "You're the One That I Want" by John Travolta and Olive Newton John. Grease is one of my favorite moves and that song just makes me happy!

Surprise: Cameras! I love taking pictures! Having snapshots to use for memories and to use for writing ideas would be great.

Thanks, @Teachr4 for this fun idea!

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Grateful Slice #SOL18 March 14

Today was the third Match day I’ve had this week. My students interrupted me 38 times in 20 minutes; I know because I made tally marks each time. One even made fun of me for making a mistake; that did not go over well! This afternoon, we role played how it looked and sounded when I was teaching and they were acting up. We followed up with a discussion that led nowhere. The students who misbehaved just blamed everyone else for their behaviors. In the end, I decided to have a new seating chart. It will be interesting as I put all the talkers together in one area.

After school, I had a meeting to discuss a delicate student issue. I cried multiple times because there isn’t more I can do except love and pray.

It was a rough day! To help me get through, I decided to write this and include a gratitude list in hopes I can let go of the stress and focus on the positives.

  1. My husband: He loves me no matter what. He also gives great hugs and makes me laugh. 
  2. My cat: He sits in my lap and gives me that pressure like a weighted blanket which calms me. 
  3. My dog: She is crazy and encourages me to play with her which makes me smile. 
  4. Students who give me hugs
  5. Students who ask for help and then listen
  6. Retweets and replies on Twitter
  7. Connecting with former colleagues and getting support from them!
  8. Sunshine
  9. Music
  10. Not having cable or satellite television 
  11. Quiet moments
  12. Having dinner made for me when I get home
  13. Colleagues who are friends
  14. Laughter
  15. Freedom
  16. Pie in Pu Day
  17. Coffee
  18. Wine
  19. Books
  20. Love
  21. Family
  22. Popcorn
  23. Chocolate
  24. Chips and salsa
  25. Traveling 
  26. Writing
What would you add? How do you cope with stress as a teacher?

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

The Table #SOL18 March 13

Stagger to room with backpack, 2 water bottles, coffee cup, and lunchbox
Manage to find keys while balancing said items
Lights brighten room
Table is cluttered 
Manage to find a spot for coffee.
Drop the rest on the floor.
Clean off table

Grade math papers and enter into grade book.
Look for lesson plan book that I just had!
Realize I need the papers for word study.
Organize for the day by cleaning desk again

Students enter.
Nurse forms, registration forms, notes go onto my desk.
Take attendance
Escort students to specials
Return to room
Clean off table again

Math lesson
Meet with students
Can't find my pencil
Need to clean my table

Lunch time!
Where is my water?
Phone rings
I need those forms
Look at my table
Clean it again

Literacy begins
Time to confer
Where is my table?
Forget the computer; sticky notes will work
Library time for students
Clean my table?
Nope. Not again.

Monday, March 12, 2018

True or False #SOL18 March 12

Today, I am copying a student's idea for his slice. His was hilarious! He included one about kissing a girl and my class of sixth graders were not having it! Thankfully, it was when he was in kindergarten. I already told him I was copying his idea.

True or False
I have lived in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

True or False
I believe prayers do get answered.

True or False
My favorite beverages are coffee, wine, and water.

True or False
I am very protective of my students.

True or False
I have a master's degree in special education from the University of New Mexico.

True or False
I attended school on the Crow Indian Reservation.

True or False
I still am in contact with some of my students from the first class I taught 19 years ago.

True or False
I have lived in 5 states.

True or False
I am addicted to Amazon and Netflix.

True or False
I am a divemaster but haven't been SCUBA diving since 2000.

True or False
I am an introvert.

True or False
I was a complete and total fangirl when I met Stacey Shubitz, Aimee Buckner, Jeff Anderson, Meenoo Rami, Kylene Beers, and Bob Probst in February.

True or False
When I fangirled Meenoo Rami, Pernille Ripp was with her and I didn't even realize it until hours later and then it was too late to apologize.

Drumroll please!

All of those are completely TRUE!

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Staring #SOL2018 March 11

Go ahead. Keep staring at me. I'm not moving. I can sit here all day. You have to make me move. I won't do it without you. I honestly don't have a problem being on the couch for days on end. It doesn't bother me at all.

I mean, really! Before this, I was nice and warm and surrounded by friends. And that was after you tried to drown me! Soap in my eyes and constant spinning. Even before that, I was on the floor where you left me after getting home. You wanted something better than me; something softer and less confining. I made you look good that day and you just dropped me like I was nothing.

Well, what goes around comes around, lady! I am just going to annoy you by taking up space on your comfortable couch. Until you decide to put me where I belong, I will be here watching you stare at me. I mean, I can't put myself on the hanger and then hang myself in the closet. I can't fold all my family around me. So I will be here staring right back at you until you get up and do something about me.