Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Summer Goal: #100DOSW18

WARNING: lots of pictures of my writing and not super focused blogpost but please bear with me as I share my struggles of writing.

I have said before that my writing habit is not the greatest. I did the month long Slice of Life challenge through twowritingteachers.org in March and it went well. Then, April started and writing stopped. May came and went with end of year excitement and tears and stress and joy. The whole time I have been telling myself that I need to write every single day, but it wasn't happening. Imagine my surprise when a random Facebook post said that there would be a 100 Days of Summer Writing challenge and it starts after school gets out. I thanked God for the push I needed and signed up. Then, I looked up the person who puts it together and looked at her website and saw that it was a real thing. Whew! I also joined the Facebook group dedicated to this challenge. Then, I bought a notebook! I mean after all, I had to have a new notebook even though I have MULTIPLE writing notebooks that are not full. It's a new notebook for a new summer and just for the challenge! I knew that for the first several days I would be out of town, so I packed my notebook and new pens (a gift from my bestie!) and set off on my trip waiting for day 1.

The morning of May 29, I logged into Facebook and found the prompt and then sat there. I had several ideas and wasn't sure which would be the one I used. I decided to ponder it for the day while I enjoyed time with family. As everyone went to sleep that night, my idea popped into my head and I went with it. I read it to my twelve (almost thirteen) year old niece and she LOVED it! Score 1 point for me!

The next morning, I found the prompt and drew a blank. I thought about it all day and came up with something. It's not great but I did spend time thinking about how I use media and how I want to use it differently.

Day three was another prompt I wasn't exactly loving, but I spent time writing while at the pool watching my nephew swim.

Day 4 came and went without me writing at all. My excuse was that I was traveling, but in reality, I had lost my excitement. I did write the next day, however.

Then, I didn't write for day 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, or 10. Excuses this time included: more travel (true-14 hours in a car!), I wanted to spend time with my husband (true-I hadn't seen him for 10 days), I was tired, I didn't have any ideas (true because I hadn't looked at the prompts), I had to do laundry, etc. I also wasn't happy as to how my notebook was looking. I didn't have it set up with the prompts and I wasn't loving having to look it up every day. So, I printed them all out and glued them in my notebook which took three days because I got distracted by my dog and cat and husband and binge watching Madam Secretary. Yesterday, though, I took my notebook and pen to the pool and wrote! I finished an introduction that is scary (not my typical genre) and wrote to a missed prompt as well. And today I did the same thing! I am on a roll and I will keep it up! I am posting on here to keep myself accountable as well as linking it on Facebook and Twitter. Here is to a great summer of writing!

Here is my scary story:

Missed prompts:


That's a lot for today. As I think about how I've done, I am not happy that I skipped so many days, but I will finish this. I also don't love most of what I wrote, but most writers don't love everything they compose. I do love my first writing (the letter to Santa) and the scary writing. In fact, I am thinking about finishing that story. Not today, but someday soon-ish.

More tomorrow!

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