Friday, March 23, 2018

Spring Break Haiku #SOL18 March 23

Spring break jealousy
Facebook friends are sleeping in
Lucky ducks they are

Tweets all full of joy
For teachers celebrating
Naps, lunch, and more naps

Still have one more week
Trying hard just to make it
Spring break jealousy


  1. This was me a week ago, and now I am the lucky duck! I enjoyed your little poem. Nice using the same line to open and close. Hang in there :)

  2. I have two more weeks. I feeeeeel your pain! Mark

  3. You can do it!! Just think. When you are on break, they will be the ones jealous of you haha. Hang in there!!

  4. Three more weeks to go here! Of course in New England, we have winter and spring break, so I shouldn't really complain, as we just had a break in February. (It already seems like that was long, long ago.) I like how your beginning and ending line sum it all up. Hang in there!
