Today, I sat. I sat for three hours. Teachers aren’t supposed to sit, but yet I did.
I sat and watched my students struggle through our first day of state testing.
I sat and watched them rub their eyes because of facing a computer screen for three hours.
I sat and watched them put their heads down for a couple of minutes to give themselves a
break because we can’t let them take one. I mean, sixth graders will totally tell each other
the answers.
I sat and watched my students do chair push ups and squeeze their arms and hands so
they would stay focused.
I sat and watched my student who doesn’t get enough to eat try to stay awake and
focused on his test.
I sat and watched my students cry because they couldn’t figure out the answers.
I sat and watched.
I sat.
I sat and prayed.
I sat and prayed for the people who make my students and all students around our
country sit through these tests instead of learning.
I prayed for my students to know that they are more than a test score.
I sat and prayed that they know how proud I am of them each and every day.
I sat and prayed that they give their best effort no matter how tired they are.
I sat and prayed for my student to find someone next year who will help him get the
food and care he needs.
I sat and prayed for my students’ families because I don’t know everything that goes
on in their lives.
I sat and prayed for me to be the best teacher I can be for my students for our last
twenty-one days together.
I sat and prayed for my students and me to be kind and respectful to each other.
I sat and prayed.
I sat.
I sat and smiled.