Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Grateful Slice #SOL18 March 14

Today was the third Match day I’ve had this week. My students interrupted me 38 times in 20 minutes; I know because I made tally marks each time. One even made fun of me for making a mistake; that did not go over well! This afternoon, we role played how it looked and sounded when I was teaching and they were acting up. We followed up with a discussion that led nowhere. The students who misbehaved just blamed everyone else for their behaviors. In the end, I decided to have a new seating chart. It will be interesting as I put all the talkers together in one area.

After school, I had a meeting to discuss a delicate student issue. I cried multiple times because there isn’t more I can do except love and pray.

It was a rough day! To help me get through, I decided to write this and include a gratitude list in hopes I can let go of the stress and focus on the positives.

  1. My husband: He loves me no matter what. He also gives great hugs and makes me laugh. 
  2. My cat: He sits in my lap and gives me that pressure like a weighted blanket which calms me. 
  3. My dog: She is crazy and encourages me to play with her which makes me smile. 
  4. Students who give me hugs
  5. Students who ask for help and then listen
  6. Retweets and replies on Twitter
  7. Connecting with former colleagues and getting support from them!
  8. Sunshine
  9. Music
  10. Not having cable or satellite television 
  11. Quiet moments
  12. Having dinner made for me when I get home
  13. Colleagues who are friends
  14. Laughter
  15. Freedom
  16. Pie in Pu Day
  17. Coffee
  18. Wine
  19. Books
  20. Love
  21. Family
  22. Popcorn
  23. Chocolate
  24. Chips and salsa
  25. Traveling 
  26. Writing
What would you add? How do you cope with stress as a teacher?


  1. This writing is filled with such honesty. I know I have had many a day like the one you described. And, I love the way you made a list of all the wonderful things in your life to bring that healthy perspective that "this too shall pass." I'm with you on the praying! I need to do it even more.

  2. btw,this list is the bomb. Especially the chocolate, wine and coffee... all vices for me. How did you manage to get dinner made for you when you arrived home?

    1. My husband makes dinner frequently for me. I am blessed.

  3. Deb,

    Thanks for sharing. Hope tomorrow the students will interupt you only 8 times in 89 minutes :)

    Please add one more thing- the support from fellow slicers.

    Sending warm thoughts your way.


  4. We all have days like this. What a way to turn it around. That’s quite a list.

  5. So many ideas we have in common. A great way to turn around a day.
