Sunday, March 18, 2018

6 Word #SOL18 March 18

Today's post is just 6 words based on my day yesterday.

Background: My mom lives an hour and a half from me but we don't spend time together like we should during the school year. Also, over my spring break, my husband and his 5 siblings along with the six spouses, a cousin and her husband, his mom, and my mom are going to Nags Head, NC to spend time together in a fancy beach house. As I watch the snow fall today, I cannot wait to go--even if it's cold there; at least there won't be snow!

Also, this picture was taken before my purple hair.

Mom and me
Spring break shopping


  1. You'll have the beach during your trip. I'd deal w/ the cold to get the ocean.

  2. Sweet! The countdown begins!

  3. Nice! I love posts centered around moms. So sweet!

  4. Excellent! Can’t wait to hear about your week. Sounds wonderful.

  5. It sounds like you have a great spring break planned. I bet you are counting down the days!

  6. It looks like you were having a fun day!

  7. Moms are the best! Enjoy! :-) ~JudyK

  8. Sounds like a great time! Mom's are awesome!

  9. Moms are the best!!
